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Brian Brennan


Profile: As long as I'm not going to be asked to put my star sign here, I'll co-operate. I've been in ELT since the early 80s and have worked in the UK, Greece and lots of different places in Spain. I've been working with the major UK publishers for about 10 years as a reader / reporter on new material, wrote the Grammar photocopiable section for New English File Int and Upper Int,, and co-authored Business one:one for OUP. More than half of our work here in this department is in Business English. I do teacher training for Business English, and lots of materials creation.

What else? I'm an oral examiner for the Cambridge ESOL upper main suite and the BECs. I'm also a freelance translator, and finally passed the Institute of Linguists' fearful Diploma in Translation.

I love pictures and words.

My flat is a bit of mess.
