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Dr Robin Usher



Profile: Received a Ph.D in English in 1993 from the University of Kingston-Upon-Hull, England, for research thesis titled 'Jungian Archetypes in the work of [science fiction writer] Robert A. Heinlein'. Most recently published non-fiction in June 2008's Humanizing Language Teaching online journal with an article based on English language teaching experiences in Khartoum, Sudan, East Africa, titled 'Bitchin' English', in December 2009`s HLT with `Our Old Man In Oman` and February 2010`s `The Further Adventures of Dr Usher`. First published article 'Robert A. Heinlein: Theologist?' in the British journal of science fiction Foundation (54). Pedagogic article 'Learning to Study' in the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research's journal Educatio (3) in 1995. Also a writer of science fiction; stories published include: 'Out of this World' (1994) and 'Ride!' she said' (1997) for the UK's Desire magazine. Stories published in Hungary; ‘Sas’ in Oszirisz Országa [‘Special Angel Service’ in Land of Osiris]. Cherubion Press, Debrecen, Hungary, 1996, pp.184-91, `Bevezetés a Valhallába’ in Universzum Örokösei [‘Valhalla for Starters’ in Inheritors of the Universe], Cherubion Press, 1996, pp. 143-7, ‘Fegyverforgatás Mestere’ in Galaxisz A Gászara [`Master Arms Practitioner’ in Emperor of the Galaxy], Cherubion Press, 1997, pp.281-6. Most recently; 'Well, it was like this doc...' at Ruthie's Club March 2009, and 'All For Naught Orphan Ufonaut' in Shelter of Daylight, Sam's Dot Publishing (2010).

Taught English language and literature in Hungary, Poland, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Oman. Currently working at Al-Jazeera International Academy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
